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AGWO ngo for disabled : A government policy known as “good governance” devoted to creating a system of fair play and peace that upholds citizen’s civil liberties and human rights. According to the United Nations, good governance measured through these eight factors I.e.participation, rule of law, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equity and inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, and accountability. Today in this, article AGWO ngo for disabled will share all details about good governance day.
However, governance refers to the process of making decisions and putting those decisions into action in a social system. Basically, it is to provide assurance to reduce corruption to a minimum and to hear the voice of the poor and weaker class. Although In the above paragraph, we have mentioned eight factors of the United Nation’s good governance. Now we will discuss each factor one by one in detail.
Factors of United Nation on Good Governance
- Through legal immediate groups or representatives, people should be able to express their own thoughts.
- Men and women, weaker groups in society, the poor, minorities, etc. are all included in this.
- Taking part also requires having the freedom to associate and speak out.
Rule of Law
- However, unbiased legal systems that defend the civil liberties and human rights of all citizens, including minorities, serves as an example of it.
- An impartial judiciary and a corruption free police force serve as indicators of this.
- It denotes that people, particularly those who impacted by decisions, are aware of the processes and procedures used to make decisions and also have access to them.
- The media is usually used convert this information into an available and understandable format.
- Institutions and procedures should provide for the needs of all parties in a timely manner.
Consensus Orientation
- An agenda that aims to balance between the many various requirements, viewpoints, and desires of varied citizens serves as an example.
- Decisions must be made with a thorough awareness of the community’s historical, cultural, and social background.
Equity and Inclusiveness
- Basically it focuses on making sure that everyone in a community, especially the most disadvantaged persons and groups, feels inspired to enhance or preserve their well-being.
Effectiveness and Efficiency
- It is using resources in a responsible way to satisfy public needs.
- Sustainability refers to safeguarding both the continuation of public budgets and the preservation of natural resources for future generation.
- It refers to the fact that institutions are taking adequate to the public and to one another.
- Additionally held accountable to one another in this situation are governmental organizations, civil society organizations, and the commercial sector.
NGO for Disabled on Good Governance Unknown Facts
- Though the Bhagavad Gita provides numerous cues for good governance, leadership, dutifulness, and self-realization, which are reinterpreted in the modern context.
- In Kautilya’sArthashastra (2nd–3rd century BC), the welfare of people was considered paramount to the role of the king.
- Mahatma Gandhi emphasized “su-raj,” which essentially means good governance.
- The Indian Constitution, which based on the idea of a sovereign, socialist, secular, and democratic republic committed to democracy, the rule of law, and the welfare of its people, clearly acknowledges the value of governance.
- Goal 16 of the Sustainable Development Goals, which focused on enhancing governance, inclusion, participation, rights, and security, might be seen as being directly related.
- Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan stated, “Good governance is ensuring respect for human rights and the rule of law; strengthening democracy; promoting transparency; and building capacity in public administration.” He also said, “Good governance is perhaps the single most important factor in eradicating poverty and promoting development”.
Why there is need of Good Governance?
- The development process includes enhancing governance.
- Corruption can reduced through logical innovations in governance, including the establishment of participation, governance, openness, and responsibility in the government.
- I’t believed that one of a citizen’s rights is the right to good governance.
- According to reports, substantially increased public sector spending on things like rural jobs, water, sanitation, and education has not produced the desired results. The primary problem in a solution to this conundrum is that “transparent and accountable government cleanliness, rural employment, etc. have not produced the desired outcomes. A solution to this dilemma must put the concern for “open and accountable governance” at its core.
- If there is poor governance, no number of development initiatives will be able to raise the standard of living of the public. Poverty is generated, reinforced, and efforts to remove it are undermined by poor governance. There is mounting evidence that geographical and socio-cultural gaps have merely widened and that the benefits of economic changes have not transferred
Some Challenges faced in Good Governance Process
Women Empowerment:
It is shameful that still in 21 st century women are not giving representation, as they should be. The participation of women in any government institution or any industry is less.
Corruption is always a barrier to improving governance quality. Selfishness is the cause of corruption and the poor implementation of systems to punish the corrupt ones.
Delay in Justice:
Although the right to justice guaranteed by our constitution, there are often delays that cause problems for people. According to a former British,Prime Minister William E Gladstone justice delayed is justice denied. It is an injustice when justice , not given to a person immediately and given to them later.
Centralization of Administration:
Furthermore, only when granted power can lower-level governments run efficiently. This is important for Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs), who are now struggling with a shortage of finance and staff to fulfill their legally required duties.
Criminalization of Politics:
The Association of Democratic Reforms estimates that 43% of Lok Sabha members in 2019 being prosecuted on criminal charges. It represents a 26% increase from 2014 levels.
However, the criminalization of politics and the unholy alliance between government officials, economic interests, and elected officials are seriously harming the creation and implementation of public policy.
The general politicians are becoming less respected. Therefore, it is important to change Section 8 of the Representation of the People’s Act, 1951 to declare someone ineligible for office if they are facing criminal accusations for serious offences or corruption.
AGWO ngo for disabled : Though Good governance a concept also known as Sushasan in hindi. After all, The good governance will bring transparency, accountability, and manage other conduct to give transparency in any system. However, we hope you have loved this information about good governance day by AGWO an ngo for disabled person.
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