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The word makes you immediately picture people on wheelchairs or who are not in the best of conditions. Disability is a broad term which not only means not being able enough to live a fully functioning life but also who are restricted by society to live a normal life. There are people who live their whole lives not being able to walk, hear, see, smell, think...


Money makes the world go round. You must have heard this phrase sometime in your life. Money is used in exchange for goods and services. As you grow up, you begin to see how much money really matters for survival. Its true, that one needs to learn how to stand up on their feet and earn themselves a living but think of those lives who because of this very dearth...

The Situation of Underprivileged Children in India

40% of India’s population is below the age of 18 years which at 400 million is the world’s largest child population. Less than half of India’s children between the age 6 and 14 go to school. A little over one-third of all children who enroll in grade one reach grade eight. One in every ten children is disabled in India. 95 in every 1000...

Situation of the Girl Child

In addition to the deaths of infants and children due to malnourishment and disease, innumerable and unrecorded numbers of girl children are killed within hours of being born while many others are killed in the womb itself. Patriarchal norms, low status of women and preference for male children are the primary reasons that threaten survival of female children in...