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Feed Daily Wagers

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Come forward to support, car cleaners, press wala bhaiya, rickshaw pullers, autowala, sweepers.. daily wages are their support for living, they have helped our community in various ways..let’s support
them now ……..
In a country of more than 1.35 billion, tracking and treating each Coronavirus infected person requires robust public policy and its effective implementation which calls for action not only by governments, but also active participation of individuals and community. Amid looming fears of coronavirus infection entering the community transmission stage, our Government has taken some steps of complete lockdownin India. We complete support our Government and would request all our donors to do so, as together we can fight against Coronavirus COVID_19.
As we all are indoors but keeping in mind the underprivileged section of our society few of “A Giggles Welfare Organization” Volunteers are working round the clock to save theses vulnerable lives keeping in view the health and guiding people on social distancing too.
Free Meals to the homeless in night shelters, on roads, blind age homes, slums and migrant daily wage labours who have nowhere and no one to turn to.
All our work on ground is being done with utmost care and we are ensuring that all hygiene and precautionary measures are being taken care of by our teams, our foot soldiers as we call them.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]


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